As an oddity I should mention that they’ve just added a new character based on the singer Ariana Grande. And no, I’m not crying out of nostalgia and happiness after reading those names.

It presents a story typical of the first chapters of the saga and focuses on the fun combats, where you can control Final Fantasy legends like Terra, Vivi, and Sabin.

This JRPG follows the classic schematic of 2D turn-based battles and has a broad cast of characters to have fun with in your battles. Use wave fist again and then jump across the water on the right. In celebration – now that Final Fantasy games have appeared for all sorts of systems, including mobile OSes – we’ve made you a list of the best free games from the saga to appear in the Android ecosystem. To defeat Velius, bring along at least one summoner that knows Lich, a chemist with a Mythril Gun, and anyone with a strong attack (like a knight or a ninja.) First, move within four spaces of Velius and use wave fist. Final Fantasy VII was a lot of people’s first RPG experience, including my own, and it’s already been over a year since the game turned 20. Though its games started out being exclusive to Nintendo consoles, the seventh release – probably the most famous one – changed everything by moving to PlayStation, the first Sony console. This popular JRPG saga has been with us for 30 years and has left us with an infinity of memorable moments. Not many people out there who haven’t heard the name Final Fantasy, I’d wager.